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Patient Information

To ensure that we provide you with the best possible care you must complete our patient consent form prior to booking your appointment.

Do you suffer from any condition that may result in dizziness or balance problems ?
Are you using any anti-platelet or anti-coagulant blood thinning medication ?
Do you suffer from any condition that may cause or result in sudden movements ?
Are you currently under an ENT consultant regarding your ear/s ?
Have you had any surgical operations on your ears within the last 90 days ?
Do you currently have grommets in situ or removed within the last 90 days ?
Do you have persistent tinnitus or have an increased sensitivity to loud noises ?
Have you suffered from any pain in your ears within the last 90 days ?
Have you had an ear infection or any discharge from your ear/s within the last 90 days ?
Have you suffered from a perforated eardrum within the last 90 days ?
Have you had earwax removed previously ?
History of any complications from previous earwax removal procedures ?
Are you aware of any reasons as to why you cannot proceed with microsuction ?
Does Ear Wax Services have consent to contact your GP if required to do so ?
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